Find Assets that Build Fan Affinity

blog-9-30-16What do football fans care about other than winning?  Lots.  Some care about having a kid-friendly environment, some care about being treated special – that customer care, and some care about food!

To some it’s the halftime show and to others it’s knowing the direction of the team – hopefully a positive direction.

So it’s important to highlight an organization like the University of Kentucky as noted in the article UK football season ticket holders tour practice facility.   They didn’t get to tour the Chancellor’s office or take home any championship trophies; it was JUST a practice facility.

But to some fans, it was something special, unique for them, something that shows the direction of the team, something that proves a future investment, something that tightens that relationship with the program.

So what are your organization’s assets?  What are those events, activities, facilities, or awards that could be leveraged to build relationships and make the renewal process flow easier?

You can’t control what happens on the field, but you can control much of what else drives relationship and renewals with STHs.

Find your organization’s assets, and use them to make fans feel special.

Want more ideas?  See what CSS can do for Sports Organizations at: 

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